How TickTick makes your life different

When typing ‘to do’ or related phrase in a search engine, thousands of GTD apps are listed out. And it is not easy to pick out a right one among all those. Before doing that, ask yourself a question first. Why you need a GTD app? 

Yes, why? Here are some answers from people of different backgrounds

  • I have a very busy schedule and always miss deadlines
  • I have a poor memory and always forget important days 
  • I am capable of multi-tasking but need stay focused  

Then, what kind of to-do app I am looking for? 

  • It should be easy because I don’t want waste time to read tutorial
  • It must be Intuitive but no fancy feature needed  
  • Reliability is first priority because I can’t afford the loss of data

If you are also facing the same confusion, the story below from Terrisa may give you some insights 

Terrisa is a single mother with three school-age kids, who also owns a small business. She lives in Great Neck while her boutique is located in Manhattan. So, you can imagine how busy she is everyday to shuttle between home and business. Her life was totally a mess until she comes across TickTick. 

With this app, her productivity has been boosted and life is better organized. She creates a recurring task for the last working day of each month so that she will not forget to buy the monthly train ticket. She sets up three different task lists for her three kids individually so that she won’t confuse Rosemary’s dancing class with Pauline’s drama rehearsal. Whenever a to-do jumps into her mind, she just inputs it into the app and sets priority or reminder later if necessary to plan schedule without missing any deadline. She even shares a list named school assignments with the tutor to keep track of her kids’ study process. What’s most helpful is that TickTick allows cross-platform synchronization, which enables her to run her business smoothly anytime & anywhere. Terrisa is an Android fan while her employee Annie loves iPhone. Once Annie notes down a sales record in her phone, Terrisa will be informed and she then, syncs the whole day records to the web in the evening to use spreadsheet to make sales report. 

Life is still busy but not messy thanks to TickTick, Terrisa said so in her email. 

Do you have any idea after reading Terrisa’s experience? Too many words may be in vain, so just take a few minutes to try it out, which, we firmly believe, will not let you down.  
