Ready to be more productive and integrate with other apps? With iOS URL Scheme, certain commands can be sent from third-party apps to TickTick and you can build your own workflow through URLs. This document will explain how it works.
TickTick can execute the following commands:
- Add tasks: create a new task named “Buy some eggs”.
- Show smart list: Show the “Today” list.
- Search tasks: Search tasks with the keyword “Meeting”.
All the commands can be sent to TickTick in the following format as a specific URL:
Open these links will launch TickTick and execute the command. TickTick currently supports three kinds of commands, including “add_task”, “show” and “search”. In each command, there are one or more parameters, when adding a task, you can input “title”, “startDate”, “list” and other parameters we provide. Each parameter corresponds to a value, for example when adding a task, the value of “title” can be “Buy some eggs”.
If you want to show the smart list “Today” in TickTick, the URL should look like:
Descriptions of how to execute each command
1. “add_task” command
This command supports the x-callback-url protocol, in which it allows you to go back to the previous app after successfully adding tasks in TickTick. TickTick currently supports three callback formats: x-success, x-error, and x-cancel callbacks.
“add_task” command will be sent to TickTick in the following format as a specific URL:
The following parameters are included in this command:
1. Create a task named “Buy some eggs”.
2. Create a task named “Buy some eggs” at “6pm” in “shopping” list.
When using x-success, the following parameters will be returned to the previous app after successfully adding tasks in TickTick:
2. “show” command
“show” command will be sent to TickTick in the following format as a specific URL:
The following parameters are included in this command:
1. Show the smart list “Today”.
3. “search” command
“search” command will be sent to TickTick in the following format as a specific URL:
The following parameters are included in this command:
1. Search tasks with the keyword “shopping”.
If you are using the Workflow app, you can open the URLs below and try them out!
1. Add tasks to TickTick from clipboard (First row: task title; Other rows: description contents)
2. Add tasks to TickTick from clipboard (First row: task title; Other rows: subtasks)
3. Add tasks to TickTick from clipboard (Each row: different tasks)
4. Edit clipboard contents and send to TickTick (First row: task title; Other rows: description contents)
5. Add tasks to TickTick from Workflow input box (First row: task title; Other rows: description contents)
6. Add tasks to TickTick from Workflow input box (First row: task title; Other rows: subtasks)
7. Add tasks to TickTick from Workflow input box (Each row: different tasks)
8. Search tasks on clipboard in TickTick
9. Quick open “Today”
If you are using the Drafts app, you can open the URLs below and try them out!
1. Batch add tasks to TickTick
2. Add tasks with description contents to TickTick
3. Add tasks with subtasks to TickTick
The TickTick Team.