Assigned to me
How many shared lists did you have and how many tasks were assigned to you? Did you switch different shared lists to view tasks that were assigned to you?
Now with a new Smart List, Assigned to me, you can view & edit these tasks by a single tap.

@ Reply
“Comment” is always used to add extra remarks to a task. Within a shared list, all shared members can comment on any tasks to realize real chat & communication. In this version, if you want to @reply a member in a shared list, you can type “@” to select a member or tap comment to reply someone directly.

The member you @reply will get notification immediately.

Passcode for iOS
Touch ID was the only way to lock TickTick for iOS devices. Now, you have another choice, passcode. Open TickTick on your iOS device and slide the screen to the right. Tap the gear-shaped icon in the upper right hand corner. Then tap “Advanced Settings” > “Passcode & Touch ID” > “Passcode”.

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