The App-Driven Life: How To Stick To Your 2014 New Year’s Resolution

Written By: Jenny Corteza

TickTick is a brilliantly thought-out name for an app that seeks to manage your time that ticks away; how you plan something at a particular week or month or whatever.  Recurring tasks like paying your bank dues every month can be scheduled in TickTick. You can remind yourself of a location at which you need to be at a particular time. You can put your priorities in the order of urgency. Collaborative tasks can be shared with concerned people to complete the task together. Customized notification to remind you of a deadline is made possible by TickTick. E-mails can be converted into a To Do list. Seamless synchronization of devices like Android and iOS is possible. 

Make it realistic                                                                                                     

We are well into three months after 2014 started. Did you resolve on doing something on the January 1? Were you able to keep what you promised to keep?  Here is a chance to do it all over again with TickTick coming to your aid very ably. Do not at the spur of the moment, go for something that you cannot hope to do. Define the category first. Is it health, relationship, professional or something else? For example, if you have resolved to save $10,000 in 2014, divide into parts and try to reach the target by any means short of robbing your bank. Put the recurring event in your TickTick app.  

Get things done

Procrastination always leads to failure unless you are a snail at work. TickTick app is good at reminding you of your tasks in the To Do list . You must note down your inbox items that requires action. Start with items that require least time to complete and go on. If you think someone else is better equipped to do a work, delegate it to him.  Segregate items that need multiple actions in multiple categories.  Assign dates as required to tasks and be sure to do them within the time frame. If a task is to be carried out from different locations, make sure you go about doing it in the order desired.  Keep your inbox up-to-date by deleting, marking read and other actions.

More about the author

Jenny Corteza is a web design wizard. Her video tutorials on how to build a website have an in depth explanation of different languages and what are the most important aspects of looking into taking up a design project.
