When to-do list made a figure a few years ago, it is difficult to imagine that in addition to time reminder, you can even be reminded when you leave or arrive a specific place. Now, dream has come true. Location reminder is not commonly seen in to-do apps but in TickTick, it is available.
Since its debut, location reminder has been warmly welcomed by our users. And here, we want to show you more details about how to use this feature correctly to help you complete to-do’s in a more fancy way.
1. Create a new or choose an existing task and select ‘Location’ from the option menu

2. Then, enter an address to search or use the current location directly

3. The map then will appear for you to locate the exact address and choose when to remind: You can drag the arrows to change the radius
Tips: You can click the star icon in front of the address to add it to your favorites

4. That’s it. The location reminder has been successfully set and you can check details as:

Well, only a few steps and with time & location as dual protector, we are pretty sure that you will never miss a task.